Oct 18, 2011


Manhattan, October 15, 2011
As the Occupy movement spread worldwide, the demonstrations in the streets of New York drew heightened attention from counter demonstrators, tourists and the media.

Local news team: Times Square

Tour bus: Zuccotti Park

Young Republicans: Washington Square Park

Madison Square

Madison Sq. Park: counter-demonstration of one.
Around 7:30pm a pod of demonstrators broke away from the Times Square crowd and headed downtown bound for Washington Square. En route they entered Madison Square Park, passing through a sidewalk food festival, where they were greeted as shown below. (click image to view larger.)

Oct 9, 2011


Foley Square, Oct. 5, 2011, NYC.
They had converged with scant prompting. The citizen masses streamed into the square from all directions. The mood was civil, even joyous. But in the multitude of placards I saw a melting pot of disaffection -- many flavors, colors and sizes of anger and frusration. Far from undermining the validity of the exercise, the sight of tens of thousands having gathered to vocalize their disparate grievances underlined an urgent message: we have a massive systemic failure on our hands -- NO one is happy.
The message was delivered in a thousand ariations, but the common sentiment rang loud and clear. The contract has been breached; our institutions no longer honor their stewardship of the common good.
From DIRTY HIPPIES occupy wall street

photos Copyright © 2011 Steven Boling. All Rights Reserved